Názov ponuky na hosťovanie: | Measurements of Cognitive Load in Chemistry Education |
Študijný odbor/vedná disciplína: | Didaktika Chémie (Chemical Education), Učiteľstvo akademických predmetov - učiteľstvo chémie (Chemistry Teaching) |
Mesto sídla inštitúcie, na ktorej by sa pobyt mohol uskutočniť: | Krakov |
Krajina sídla inštitúcie, na ktorej by sa pobyt mohol uskutočniť: | Poľsko |
Komu je ponuka určená: | · Študent/ka magisterského štúdia · Študent/ka doktorandského štúdia · Postdoktorand/ka (do 10 rokov po ukončení PhD štúdia) |
Meno, priezvisko a pracovné zaradenie osoby, ktorá ponúka hosťovanie: | Dr Mária Babinčáková, Assistant Professor |
Vedúci/ vedúca hosťujúcej výskumnej skupiny: | Dr hab. Paweł Bernard, prof. UJ |
Názov a adresa pracoviska, na ktorom by sa pobyt mohol uskutočniť: | Department of Chemical Education Jagiellonian University in Kraków ul. Gronostajowa 2 30-387 Kraków, Poland |
Stručná charakteristika pracoviska/výskumnej skupiny: | The research activities of the Department of Chemical Education are focused on the key areas of chemical education including studies devoted to pedagogical aspects of educational process, and research on subject matters in context of new didactic tools. In those areas several main research strings can be distinguished, concerning development, application, and efficiency of: • Pre- and in-service chemistry teacher training programmes. • Modern Information and Communication Technologies in science education. • Teaching methodologies, with special focus on Inquiry-Based Education and Formative Assessment. • New laboratory experiments. • Public understanding of science. The common ground is modernization of chemistry teaching and learning process based on evidence. The expertise includes quantitative and qualitative educational research. The leader of the group, Paweł Bernard has experience in many European projects, e.g. financed by the European 7th Framework Programme, financed by National Centre of Research and Development. Prof Bernard is a chair of the Division of Chemical Education at the Polish Chemical Society (www.dydaktyka.ptchem.pl), and a Polish representative in the Division of Chemical Education at the European Chemical Society. At the Jagiellonian University, he is a coordinator of the pre-service chemistry teacher training programme, and a chairman of Postgraduate Studies – ‘Chemistry for Teachers’. He has experience in mentoring and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students. Moreover, he has 8 years of experience in chemistry teaching at the secondary school level, mostly (K10-12) English-speaking multicultural classes in International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. His research had been published in leading journals in the chemical and science education area, including the Journal of Chemical Education (ACS) and Chemistry Education Research and Practice (RSC). Maria Babincakova participated in many national project in Slovakia where she was a head of the department. Her expertise lies in chemistry education research, with a specific focus on integrating modern chemistry and ICT technologies into teaching and learning. These technologies include 3D printing, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Additionally, her current research investigates cognitive load measurements using heart rate and electroencephalography. |
Zameranie výskumu, ktorý by bolo možné počas hosťovania realizovať: | · Cognitive load measurements via different methods – questionnaries, heart rate activity, electroencephalography · Implementation of modern Information and communications technology into chemistry lessons (3D printing, augumented reality, virtual reality,...) |
Čo by mali zaslať záujemcovia o realizáciu pobytu na Vašom pracovisku: | · životopis v angličtine (CV) · motivačný list v angličtine (jedna strana A4) (one page motivation letter) · odporúčací list od školiteľa alebo iného vedúceho akademického pracovníka v angličtine (recommendation letter from the promoter or other research/academic leader) |
Kontaktný e-mail: | maria.babincakova@uj.edu.pl |
Termín pre vyjadrenie záujmu: | 31.10.2024 30.04.2025 |
Webové odkazy: | https://zdch.uj.edu.pl/aktualnosci |